Scholar | Medical Council of Canada


As Scholars, physicians demonstrate a lifelong commitment to reflective learning, as well as to the dissemination, application, and translation of medical knowledge.*


Medical school is the beginning of a lifelong journey from novice to mastering a domain of expertise. During training, learners recognize the need to be continually learning. Through scholarly activities, learners contribute to the creation, dissemination, application, and translation of medical knowledge.*


  1. Develop a plan for personal continued education
    1. Describe the principles of maintaining competence
    2. Use self-awareness in assessing competence, including reflection on personal practice
    3. Evaluate personal learning outcomes (seek feedback from teachers, other health professionals, and other sources)
    4. Document the personal learning process
  2. Apply principles of research and information management to learning and practice
    1. Describe the principles of evidence-based medicine
    2. Retrieve information from appropriate sources
      1. Evaluate information resources in order to select the best source for the information needed.
      2. Formulate a specific question in order to guide the design of the information search.
      3. Search the literature efficiently for evidence in order to answer a research or clinical question.
    3. Assess the quality of information, using principles of critical appraisal:
      1. its relevance and importance
      2. the appropriateness of its methodology
      3. its conformity to ethical standards
    4. Integrate retrieved information into clinical practice
    5. Accept complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity as part of medical practice
    6. Apply the principles of screening and be able to evaluate the utility of a proposed screening intervention, including being able to discuss the potential for lead-time bias and length-prevalence bias and measurement issues (validity, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, bias, confounding, error, reliability)
  3. Facilitate the learning of others as part of professional responsibility (patients, health professionals, society)
    1. Disseminate new information as it becomes available


* Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada