Test accommodations | Medical Council of Canada

Test accommodations

Learn about test accommodations for the MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination, and TDM Examination.

What is a test accommodation?

A test accommodation is a modification to the standard administration of an exam to address a human rights-related functional limitation. You may be able to receive test accommodations depending on the nature of your functional limitations and associated accommodation needs, the documentation provided, and the requirements of the exam.

Examples of test accommodations that you may request include additional testing time, break time, and access to assistive equipment, assistive personnel, or personal items (e.g., breast pumps).

To learn more about how we apply the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equal opportunity to our practices and procedures, read the MCC accessibility policy.

Requesting a test accommodation

Test accommodations can be requested for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I, the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination, and the Therapeutics Decision-Making (TDM) Examination.

How and when to request a test accommodation

Test accommodation requests are made when applying to an exam. In addition to indicating that you need a test accommodation in your application, you must also complete the Request for test accommodations form and gather the required supporting documentation. The request form and documentation should be sent by email as attachments to [email protected] as soon as possible after submitting your exam application.

If you did not indicate the need for an accommodation when applying to an exam, your test accommodation request will be considered a late request. The MCC will review requests received at any time; however, late requests cannot be guaranteed.

Supporting documentation

In addition to the completed Request for test accommodations form, you will also have to submit the following supporting documents:

  • A detailed personal statement that describes your functional limitations and associated test accommodation needs
  • A detailed letter or report, signed and dated, on official letterhead from a treating medical professional who is qualified to evaluate your functional limitations and associated accommodation needs. This letter or report must include:
    • A detailed description of your functional limitations and associated accommodation needs as relating to the context of the exam(s). Accommodation needs may be different for a computer-based assessment (MCCQE Part I or TDM Examination) compared to an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) (NAC Examination).
    • Specific recommendations for test accommodations, with an explanation of why they are needed and appropriate. For example, if you are requesting additional test time or break time, the recommendation should include the specific percentage of additional test time required or the specific number of minutes of break time required.
    • If the document is dated more than two years ago, a new letter or report from a treating medical professional is also required, confirming that the limitations are still present and noting any changes to the associated accommodation needs as relating to the context of the exam.
  • If applicable, copies of supporting documentation on official letterhead detailing previously granted test accommodations from your academic institutions (e.g., accessibility services office), other testing organizations, and/or your clinical training program.

Exam specific requirements and considerations

Learn more about important requirements and considerations when:

Granted test accommodations

A test accommodation is only granted if:

  • Your exam application has been accepted
  • The MCC Test Accommodations Internal Review Committee has reviewed your request
  • Coordination of test accommodations between the MCC and the exam provider has been completed

Once your test accommodation request is reviewed, you will be notified of the details through your physiciansapply.ca account. Granted test accommodations are valid for one exam only. A new test accommodation request must be submitted with each future exam application.

Exam appointments and centres

Exam appointments and exam centres that support the delivery of test accommodations are subject to availability and may vary based on the type of approved test accommodation. Although every attempt will be made to accommodate your preferences, we cannot guarantee specific exam modalities (if applicable), dates, or start times.