September 2021 virtual NAC exam application is now open | Medical Council of Canada
NewsSeptember 2021 virtual NAC exam application is now open

September 2021 virtual NAC exam application is now open

May 26, 2021

We are pleased to confirm that, beginning August 30, 2021, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) will offer a virtual delivery of the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination. The MCC plans to offer the exam over 12 days, from August 30 to September 21, 2021. Application for this session can be completed through your account and will close on June 11, 2021 at 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time (ET).

The MCC has planned for candidate volumes that are consistent with our previous administrations. The September 2021 session will accommodate approximately 1,700 candidates. Although exam delivery is virtual, trained Physician Examiners (PEs) and Standardized Participants (SPs) are required which poses limitations to the number of candidates we can accommodate. Should numbers exceed the planned capacity, the MCC reserves the right to use a random selection process for the upcoming session. Priority will be given to approximately 500 candidates who were unable to write their exam due to the postponed March 2021 session.

The MCC will be reporting a total score and sub scores. Exam results will be available in early January 2022 to meet the CaRMS R-1 Main Residency Match deadline.

Please be advised that our website continues to be updated with additional information. For more details on the NAC Examination and our shift to a virtual delivery, please consult our FAQs.