Exam orientations
MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination, or TDM Examination.
Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I platform and review samples of exam questions before your exam. The tutorial will also be presented on your exam day.
Review the system requirements, exam processes, and what to expect when taking the MCCQE Part I by remote proctoring. The MCC recommends also reviewing the Prometric check-in page.
Note: Operating system and download speed requirements have changed since the publication of this video. Please visit the ProProctor readiness check page.
A new module that outlines the logistics of the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination and provides an overview of how to demonstrate your knowledge and skills at different stations is now available.
Familiarize yourself with the functionality of the Therapeutics Decision-Making (TDM) platform and review samples of exam questions before your exam. The tutorial will also be presented on your exam day.
Review the basics of the TDM Examination and cover examination tips including format and scoring as well as managing and communication information.
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