Prometric test centre check-in | Medical Council of Canada
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Prometric test centre check-in

What you can bring and the check-in process for your in-person MCCQE Part I or TDM Examination.
Examinations and assessmentsPrometric test centre check-in

Identification requirements

You will need to bring a valid government-issued identity document to your exam. If you do not have proper identification, you will not be allowed to take the exam and your application fee will be forfeited.

Your identity document must:

  • Include your photo
  • Include your signature
  • Be original (photocopies are not accepted)
  • Match the name in your account.

If your identity document does not meet the above requirements, you must contact the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) through your account as early as possible before your exam appointment.

Examples of accepted forms of identification:

  • passport
  • driver’s licence

Examples of not accepted forms of identification:

  • university student card

Personal items on exam day

To ensure the integrity and security of the exam, on exam day when you check-in at the registration desk, you must disclose all items that you are taking into the exam. These items must be presented for an unobtrusive visual inspection. This inspection can be done at the registration desk, or it can be done in a more private location.

Items that do not need advance notice

Certain items are pre-approved by Prometric to bring into the exam area.

View full list of pre-approved items

Water may be brought into the test room during an exam if:

  • It is in a clear and transparent container with a lid or cap
  • All labels are removed from the container

The container will be inspected for notes or other test aids during the security check.

No other beverages are permitted. Should you require a non-water beverage, you must request a test accommodation.

Items supplied by Prometric:

  • Noise-reducing headset
  • Earplugs (foam with no strings)
  • Whiteboard and dry erase markers

Items that require test accommodations

Items such as medications, medical devices, communication aids, mobility devices, and other items not specified in Prometric’s pre-approved items list, will require test accommodations to be brought into the secure exam area.


  • breast pumps
  • syringes/needles
  • food
  • non-water beverages

Any medical device requiring smartphone or transmitting in the exam station can only be delivered at certain Prometric test centres (not available through remote proctoring)

Candidates who are granted test accommodations to access their personal items must take the exam in a separate room, with proctor supervision. Exam appointments are subject to availability of a separate room.

> Learn about test accommodation requests

Items not permitted in the secure exam area

Certain items are not allowed in the exam area and must be stored in your secure personal locker at the Prometric test centre before the exam begins. You will only be able to access your locker during the scheduled break.

  • coat
  • keys
  • wallet
  • purse
  • documentation of any kind
  • jewelry, including watches (wedding rings are permitted)
  • large bags
  • phones/smartphones

If you do not have test accommodation and need to access food, non-water beverages and/or medication during the exam, you can leave them in your locker or with Prometric’s site staff, in the common area.

Accessing food, non-water beverages, or medication during your exam

You can take unscheduled breaks during the exam to access food, non-water beverages and/or medication. Unscheduled breaks must be managed within the allocated exam time. The routine security scan and sign-in process must be completed upon re-entry to the secure exam area.

Arriving at the Prometric test centre

Arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled exam start time. If you are late for your scheduled appointment, you may not be allowed to take your exam, in which case your application fee would be forfeited.

When you arrive at the Prometric test centre, you will be asked to:

  1. Present your identification document
  2. Sign in
  3. Store your personal belongings in a secure locker
  4. Undergo Prometric’s enhanced security check-in

After you have signed in, a Prometric staff member will lead you to your assigned computer in the exam room.

Prometric inspections and security

Prometric will conduct inspections of all accessories that you are wearing (e.g., eyeglasses, jewelry, hair accessories, etc.). These inspections, which are being conducted to detect whether these accessories contain camera devices, will be done at check-in and upon return from breaks. If you are caught in possession of a camera device while entering or once inside the exam room, the accessory will be confiscated, and your exam will be terminated.

How to check where your test centre is located

If you are not sure where your test centre is located, or if you need to retrieve the time and date of your exam, please refer to the Confirm option on the Prometric website. To access this information, you will need the 16-digit confirmation number that was given to you when you scheduled your exam appointment. If you have lost your 16-digit confirmation number, you will need to contact Prometric directly as the MCC does not have access to this information.