We will serve physician licensure decisions through excellence in programs of assessment
The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) has supported physician licensure in Canada for over 100 years by offering objective assessments of medical graduates and other candidates that reflect the changing competencies required to practice medicine in this country.
In its pursuit of safe, accessible health care for all patients in Canada, the MCC is focused on continuing to produce robust assessments, grounded in real-world medical practice that support licensing bodies, as well as improving the assessment experience for candidates.
Action plans
- Enhance the efficiency of examination processes by streamlining their design, development, delivery, and scoring to reduce the turnaround time for candidate results. We expect these changes to take some time however, the improvements will significantly enhance overall efficiency.
- Design a robust assessment program tailored for clinical practice environments, ensuring relevance and applicability.

What are we doing to work towards this objective?
To deliver on this objective, we are actively developing and revising our program of assessment in collaboration with our partners in regulation and licensure. Our approach is grounded in a commitment to operational excellence and continuous quality improvement. This collaborative effort ensures that our assessments meet the highest standards and are aligned with the needs of the regulatory community.
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Number of memorandums of understanding (MOUs)/service agreements with medical regulatory authorities for MCC workplace-based assessment (WBA) products and services. These agreements demonstrate participation and perceived value of MCC WBA program with national standards.
- Results delivery time: This KPI tracks the number of days from the exam date to the delivery of results to candidates. It serves as a key indicator of the operational effectiveness of our exam processes, reflecting the efficiency of our streamlined exam delivery and scoring procedures.
What’s next?
Evolution of the MCCQE Part I
- In April 2025, changes are being introduced to the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I, aiming to improve both the delivery and the overall candidate experience. As part of the key adjustments, the clinical decision-making (CDM) component will be removed and the current 9-hour exam appointment will be shortened to a 6.5-hour exam appointment.
- The revised exam will feature 230 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), divided into two sections of 160 minutes each, with an optional 45-minute break between sections. These changes are designed to allow candidates more time per question while maintaining the exam’s integrity, validity, and reliability in assessing critical knowledge and clinical decision-making.
Expansion of NAC PRA
- Currently, nine provinces are running independent National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Practice-Ready Assessment (PRA) programs with New Brunswick and Ontario joining in 2023. In the last year, PRA programs helped over 200 internationally trained physicians enter the Canadian health care system to practise. The MCC will continue its efforts to expand these services to alleviate health human resource challenges.
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