Application for medical registration | Medical Council of Canada

Application for medical registration 

The process and requirements to apply for registration with a medical regulatory authority.
Credentials and servicesPathways to licensureApplication for medical registration 

How to apply for medical registration

If you want to practise medicine in one of Canada’s 13 provinces or territories, you must first apply for medical registration with the medical regulatory authority (MRA) for that jurisdiction.

Using your account, you can securely apply to one or more of the MRAs that are set up to receive applications through the portal, which is a majority of MRAs. Some of your medical credentials, exam results, and other information stored in your account will be prepopulated into your application(s), making it quick and easy to apply to several Canadian MRAs.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click Applications for medical registration on the left panel.
  3. Follow the instructions as prompted.

MRA requirements

Once submitted, your application will be sent directly from your account to the MRA for review. Each MRA will issue a medical licence or practice permit for its jurisdiction only if you meet its specific eligibility and registration requirements. For this reason, it is very important to understand the requirements for the jurisdiction(s) you want to practice in.

Through your account you will only be able to apply for independent registration for the first time in a jurisdiction. You will not be able to renew your medical license or practice permit through your account. If you want to apply to an MRA that is not listed below, you will need to contact the MRA for that jurisdiction.

Application to multiple MRAs

MRA applications can be different between jurisdictions. Some questions are common to several or all jurisdictions, whereas others are specific to a particular MRA. When applying through your account, you will need to answer the common questions only once. Your answers to any MRA-specific questions will be seen by only that MRA. In addition, each MRA sees only your application for its jurisdiction and will not know if you applied elsewhere.

MRAs available to apply to through

The table below lists the MRAs that you can apply to through your account and provides links to their relevant eligibility requirements, as well as the fees that each MRA charges.

In addition to the MRA fees, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) charges an application for medical registration (AMR) fee per submission. This fee covers the administration of the application and improvements to the AMR in cooperation with all the Canadian MRAs. If you have not already done so, you will also need to pay your account fee before applying for medical registration.

Summary of application processes and MRA fees


MRA (click to see requirements)

Application process and MRA fee (taxes may be applicable)


Review of qualifications, $200; complete a review of qualifications through your account first to get access to the complete application for independent practice

British Columbia

Registration fee, $665; preliminary assessment of qualifications, $650


Review of qualifications, $210

New Brunswick

Application / Review of qualifications, $450

Newfoundland and Labrador

Application fee, $450; review of qualifications, $250

Northwest Territories

Registration, $108; limited practice permit (3 months), $162; annual license renewal: April–December, $323; January–March, $216

Nova Scotia

Documentation fee (charged for any application for a full or temporary license), $350; review of qualifications (applicable to IMGs with no training in Canada), $350


Application fee, $100


$825; visit their Fee structure page for more information


Review of qualifications, $500; this fee will be requested when submitting your eligibility review through


No additional fees

Abbreviations: IMGs, international medical graduates; MRA, medical regulatory authority.

Although the MCC regularly updates this information to maintain it as a helpful resource for candidates, links and fees may change.

How to request a refund

Refunds can only be processed with the approval of the appropriate MRA. Candidates must communicate directly with the applicable MRA for their refund to be approved. If a refund is approved, an administrative fee will be charged by the MCC.