Contraception | Medical Council of Canada


Version: March 2023
Legacy ID: 17


Contraception can be accomplished through a variety of methods. Ideally, education about contraception should be provided to both partners.

Causal Conditions

(list not exhaustive)

  1. Nonpermanent contraception
    1. Hormonal
    2. Nonhormonal
    3. Other (e.g., natural method)
  2. Permanent contraception
    1. Male sterilization
    2. Female sterilization
  3. Emergency contraception

Key Objectives

Given a patient who presents with a need or request for contraception, the candidate will discuss the available treatment options and initiate an appropriate management plan.

Enabling Objectives

Given the patient requesting or requiring contraception, the candidate will

  1. list and interpret critical clinical findings, including those based on
    1. a general and sexual history, including risk factors for complications; and
    2. results of an appropriate physical examination;
  2. list and interpret critical clinical investigations, including sampling for cultures, a Papanicolaou test, a sexually transmitted infection (STI) screen, and a pregnancy test when appropriate; and
  3. construct an effective initial management and prevention plan, including
    1. discussing the various contraception options with the patient, including
      1. risks of failure;
      2. potential complications and contraindications for each method;
      3. protection against STIs; and
      4. drug interactions associated with each method; and
    2. discussing emergency contraceptives as backup when needed.