Earlier in 2021, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) launched a new business service dedicated to awarding the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) as a stand-alone process and established a two-phased approach to the roll-out of this new service.
The first phase prioritized eligible candidates who were unable to complete their Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II during the pandemic. As they had already met the eligibility criteria to challenge the MCCQE Part II, these candidates’ files were reviewed and they were granted the LMCC. With the first phase now complete, the MCC is preparing for the launch of the second phase, that will assist a broader group of candidates meeting eligibility to pursue their route to licensure.
An LMCC service request will be added to physiciansapply.ca to allow all eligible candidates who meet the criteria to request an LMCC. This service will be in place at the end of January 2022.
All candidates requesting the LMCC through their physiciansapply.ca account will be charged a $250 LMCC application fee.
More details on the new LMCC service request will be available on our website when the service is launched.
The MCC thanks candidates and stakeholders for their patience as it navigated the pandemic and made necessary changes to its exams and processes.
1021 Thomas Spratt Place
Ottawa, ON Canada, K1G 5L5
T : 1-613-521-6012
F : 1-613-248-5234
E : service@mcc.ca