All candidates who added their names to the pre-application list between Oct. 26 to Nov. 23, 2016, with the exception of PGY-1 residents, can expect to receive an invitation to apply to the exam at any point after Dec. 1, 2016. We anticipate that for the spring 2017 MCCQE Part II, we will be able to accommodate all PGY-2+ candidates wishing to apply for the spring 2017 exam. Selected candidates will be sent a message through their account that will include information on how to submit an application. PGY-1 candidates who are selected will receive a message through their account at the end of January 2017. For more information on the application process, visit MCCQE Part II.
1021 Thomas Spratt Place
Ottawa, ON Canada, K1G 5L5
T : 1-613-521-6012
F : 1-613-248-5234
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