Ontario joins the list of provinces offering a PRA program for physicians seeking licensure in Canada | Medical Council of Canada
NewsOntario joins the list of provinces offering a PRA program for physicians seeking licensure in Canada

Ontario joins the list of provinces offering a PRA program for physicians seeking licensure in Canada

June 22, 2023

A Practice-Ready Assessment (PRA) program is now offered in Ontario, providing an alternate route to licensure for internationally trained physicians. Administered by Touchstone Institute, the Practice Ready Ontario (PRO) program will allow eligible physicians who have completed their medical training and residency abroad to participate in a practical assessment over a period of 12 weeks, which will evaluate if they have the knowledge, skills and suitability to provide safe care for patients in Ontario. 

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) is also pleased to announce that PRO is now part of the National Assessment Collaboration’s (NAC) PRA group, joining seven other participating provinces. Provincial PRA programs and the MCC collaborate on the NAC’s pan-Canadian framework to develop and maintain common standards and materials for delivering and administering practice-ready assessments. This pan-Canadian collaboration ensures internationally trained physicians experience fair and comparable assessments across Canada.

To obtain more information about the program in Ontario, visit the PRO website.