MCC offers the MCCQE Part I via remote proctoring | Medical Council of Canada
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NewsMCC offers the MCCQE Part I via remote proctoring

MCC offers the MCCQE Part I via remote proctoring

May 1, 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves in Canada, the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) is preparing to resume administering the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I examination by allowing candidates to challenge the examination from their own homes while being proctored remotely.

“These unprecedented times have created both a need and an opportunity for the MCC to further innovate and to advance ideas for assessment delivery that had been on our future work plans, while following the Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines and ensuring the safety of candidates and all involved in our exams,” said Dr. Maureen Topps, MCC’s Executive Director and CEO.

Starting in June 2020, the MCC will use remote proctoring as well as test centres where available to administer the MCCQE Part I to candidates. The exam will be delivered through Prometric’s ProProctor remote assessment platform. Exam delivery will also resume at Prometric test centres with recommended physical distancing and personal protective measures in place.

A phased implementation of the remotely-proctored MCCQE Part I will allow for necessary calibration of reference groups and adjustments while ensuring fairness for candidates. The first wave of registrants will be comprised mainly of medical students and graduates who were scheduled for the April 15 to May 15, 2020 session that was postponed due to the pandemic. Subsequent scheduling phases will allow all other eligible candidates to write the exam.

While some adjustments may be required, the MCC team is hopeful that best practices will emerge from implementation of this delivery solution. Information will be provided to candidates via their accounts and support for candidates will be available through the MCC service desk.