Launch of the OSCE orientation program | Medical Council of Canada
NewsLaunch of the OSCE orientation program

Launch of the OSCE orientation program

May 31, 2018

OSCE orientation resources now available on

The Medical Council of Canada is thrilled to announce the launch of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) orientation program. This program is designed to help candidates prepare for the OSCEs, including the National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination and the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II. The orientation outlines the purpose of an OSCE and the logistics behind this type of exam, gives an overview of how to demonstrate knowledge and skills in different stations as well as provides useful links and resources for preparation.

More specifically, the OSCE orientation program is structured into six main sections:

  • Definition of an OSCE: breakdown of the exam’s objectives, structure, and clinical context
  • What happens on the day of an OSCE: how to prepare for the day
  • Moving through the OSCE stations: the logistics of this type of exam
  • How to demonstrate your knowledge and skills, including a series of four different sample cases and tips on candidate behaviours to avoid
  • The history of the OSCE and the reason why it has become widely used for clinical assessment in Canada
  • OSCE tips and resources

By providing these preparation resources, the MCC hopes to increase candidate awareness and readiness before they take on the NAC Examination or the MCCQE Part II. The content featured in this program has been created by physicians and experts with experience in the Medical Council of Canada’s content development process.