MCC 360 | Medical Council of Canada

MCC 360

A multi-source feedback program for physicians in Canada.
MCC 360

Sometimes the care team needs a care plan

MCC 360 was developed to provide physicians with meaningful and actionable feedback that leads to positive practice changes. In addition to completing a self-assessment, survey responses that include qualitative, narrative comments from patients, physician colleagues, and nonphysician co-workers ensure a 360° perspective. Coaching with a trained peer-physician completes the program by reviewing the feedback and supporting creation of an objective and constructive action plan.

Leveraging the Medical Council of Canada’s (MCC’s) expertise in assessment, MCC 360 aims to make a significant impact on continuing professional development and in-practice assessment in medicine.

Multi-source feedback for physicians made simple

The straightforward MCC 360 process makes collecting feedback from colleagues, co-workers, and patients simple. Completing the program takes place online, includes one-on-one coaching, and is eligible for up to 15 continuing professional development (CPD) credits. The resulting feedback and action plan for MCC 360 is unique to each physician’s practice.

Learn more about MCC 360

For physicians

MCC 360 is an opportunity to reflect upon your role as communicator, collaborator, and professional to become an even better doctor. The program provides comprehensive feedback from a cohort of patients and those you work with that you can use to improve your practice.

For health care organizations

MCC 360 is a robust multi-source feedback tool for use in physician quality programs to improve physician performance in the essential roles of communicator, collaborator, and professional while enhancing quality of patient care.

For patients, colleagues & co-workers

MCC 360 relies on insight from those who best know a physician’s work. As a patient, colleague, or co-worker, you are uniquely positioned to provide valuable feedback that can help physicians and organizations improve the quality of medical care.

Who we work with

Practice Enhancement Program for Saskatchewan Physicians (PEPSask)

The PEPSask is an educational program offering the physicians of Saskatchewan a report on the quality of their practices through a practice-based assessment process. They are now using MCC 360 as one of the feedback components for physicians, as they aim to deliver high quality patient care to Saskatchewan residents.

North York General Hospital

North York General Hospital in Toronto, Ontario is using MCC 360 as part of their commitment to improve and ensure quality patient care. They continually assess performance and look for ways to achieve best practices in every area of the hospital.

Latest from MCC 360

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The Ottawa Hospital-civic-600x580
June 4, 2024
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November 23, 2023
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