Multiple-choice questions | Medical Council of Canada
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Multiple-choice questions

Get familiar with the multiple-choice question type you will see on the MCCQE Part I.


The multiple-choice questions (MCQ) component of the MCCQE Part I consists of 210 questions. The MCQ component includes pilot questions, also called pre-test items, which are scored if they perform well psychometrically. The standard maximum time allotted for this component is 4 hours.

The MCQs of the MCCQE Part I have a different number of options to choose from, for each question. The number of options will range from three to five. The list of options will include one best answer and 2 to 4 incorrect options, known as distractors. You can select only one answer.

All the MCQ questions are presented in a single block. You may navigate freely between all MCQs. You can flag questions and return to those questions at any point during the MCQ portion of the exam. Certain test items will have pictorial material, such as photographs, diagrams, radiographs, electrocardiograms, and graphic or tabulated material. If relevant to a question, you will be presented with the normal lab values directly in the question.

To select an option, click on the text of that option. You can change your answer by simply clicking on a different option. You can deselect an option by clicking on it a second time. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so you should always answer a question, even when you are unsure.

You are only able to submit the MCQ portion of the exam once, when you have completed the MCQ component, are ready to submit, or when your allotted time expires. Once you have submitted your exam, you cannot go back to change your answers.

MCQ example

An otherwise healthy 36-year old man presents to your office with a 4-week history of a generalized, intensely pruritic papular rash. On examination, he has excoriated papules and vesicles on wrists, sides of fingers, arms, and buttocks. No other abnormalities are noted. His 9-year-old son has also had itching on fingers and wrists. 
What is the most likely diagnosis?
   1.  Neurodermatitis
   2.  Impetigo
   3.  Pityriasis rosea
   4.  Shingles
   5.  Scabies
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