Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry | Medical Council of Canada
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Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry

Examinations and assessmentsCanadian Post-M.D. Education Registry

The Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry (CAPER) is the national database established within the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada for the purpose of compiling national data concerning post-M.D. training in Canada, and evaluation and licensure of International Medical Graduates in Canada.

The identity of individuals to whom the information provided to CAPER relates will be maintained as confidential by CAPER. Only aggregate data and statistics are released by CAPER.

The CAPER data privacy policy is available on the CAPER website

  • Name(s) used by the MCC
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • University awarding the medical degree and year
  • Country of birth and citizenship
  • Passed MCC examinations

By agreeing to the Medical Council of Canada Examination Terms and Conditions, and Consent to Release of Information, the candidate is acknowledging his or her awareness of the above information and is agreeing that, upon passing the MCC examinations, the above data can be provided to CAPER.