The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) is announcing that, effective immediately, we will discontinue the delivery of the virtual Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part II for candidates currently registered.
The decision was taken this morning by the MCC Council who approved the following motion:
“Whereas the MCC is committed to providing a standardized and valid exam experience to candidates, be it resolved that due to the impact of the pandemic on the MCC’s ability to deliver the exam and, as an exceptional circumstance, the administration of the MCCQE Part II is suspended effective immediately. All registered candidates will receive an apology and a full refund of exam fees.”
We sincerely apologize for having caused additional anxiety for candidates amidst the pandemic. After reviewing the first days of the virtual delivery, we determined that candidates have not had the exam experience we intended. We will provide full refunds of exam fees for those registered for the current session, those who were transferred to the fall 2021 session and those who challenged the exam in the past weeks.
Independent standardized assessments remain a key component of medical licensure and are critical in ensuring patient safety in Canada. We will work collaboratively with the Medical Regulatory Authorities (MRAs) to determine a process such that qualified candidates currently on provisional licenses can be granted full licenses by the MRAs. The MCC Council passed a resolution as an exceptional measure to allow the award of “Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada” to candidates for the MCCQE Part II who meet specific criteria. This will support MRAs in their licensing decisions.
This decision will allow us to take additional time to consider the MCCQE Part II, to evaluate the recommendations of the Assessment Innovation Task Force and, in consultation with the medical community and partner organizations, to reflect on the best way to assess the clinical skills and emerging competencies required of physicians in Canada. We will communicate the recommendations arising from these discussions as they become available.
For questions about the MCCQE Part II, please contact the MCC service desk.
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