LMCC | Medical Council of Canada


An important component of the requirements set by the medical regulatory authorities for full licensure in many provinces and territories.

What is the LMCC

The Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) is granted by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) and is part of the requirements set by the provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities (MRAs) to be granted license to practice medicine in their respective jurisdictions.

Physicians whose names are included in the Canadian Medical Register are known as Licentiates of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) or Licenciés du Conseil médical du Canada (LCMC).

LMCC eligibility criteria

A physician who meets the following requirements is enrolled in the Canadian Medical Register as an LMCC and receives a Certificate of Registration (a wallet-size plastic card). This certificate serves as official proof of registration. If the original Certificate of Registration is submitted to an MRA or other agency, it should be recovered by the owner for further use as required. A Testamur is also provided, which is intended for display purposes rather than as official proof of registration and is suitable for framing.

As of June 29, 2021, to be eligible for inclusion in the Canadian Medical Register a graduate in medicine must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a graduate from
    1. a medical school accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools;
    2. a medical school listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools, which includes a sponsor note indicating it is an acceptable medical school in Canada;
    3. a United States School of Osteopathic Medicine accredited by the American Osteopathic Association.
  2. Have been awarded a pass result on the MCC Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I.
  3. Have successfully completed the following, as deemed acceptable by the executive director and chief executive officer (CEO) of the MCC
    1. at least 12 months of acceptable clinical medical postgraduate training;
    2. at least 12 months of acceptable osteopathic clinical postgraduate training in a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
  4. Have the required medical credentials, including the medical degree or diploma and postgraduate training, successfully source-verified through the MCC or, in exceptional circumstances, have provided evidence of the required medical credentials and postgraduate training that is deemed acceptable by the executive director and CEO.
  5. Have paid the LMCC application fee to the MCC and not have any outstanding fees payable to the MCC.

Alternatively, to be eligible for inclusion in the Canadian Medical Register, a graduate in medicine can submit evidence of at least 12 months of clinical medical postgraduate training deemed acceptable by the executive director and CEO of the MCC and have successfully completed:

  1. the Qualifying Examination prior to January 1, 1992;
  2. the MCCQE Part I and the MCCQE Part II;
  3. the MCCQE Part I and, during the years from 2013 to 2015, the MCC/College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) harmonized examination.
Clinical skills component

The MCC collaborated on a joint clinical assessment with the CFPC. This assessment, the Clinical Skills Component (CSC), was offered as part of the Certification Examination in Family Medicine from 2013 to 2015. It included both Objective Structure Clinical Examination stations and Simulated Office Orals.

While both organizations no longer offer a joint assessment, CSC results remain valid and comparable to the MCCQE Part II results. Candidates who passed were awarded the LMCC.

All candidates who took the CSC received a Statement of Results from MCC that included the candidate’s final result (e.g., pass/fail), total score and the MCC pass score. Scores were reported on a standard-score scale that ranged from 50 to 950.

Prior to the cancellation of the MCCQE Part II in 2021, family medicine residents had to take the MCCQE Part II separately from the Certification Examination in Family Medicine to obtain their LMCC.

Acceptable postgraduate training

The MCC confirms successful completion of 12 months PGT directly with the Canadian universities; therefore, candidates are not required to create a source verification request (SVR) and submit written proof of their postgraduate training completed in Canada.

Note: The MCC reserves the right to request additional confirmation from the university and/or from the candidate if required.

Before applying to the LMCC, your medical degree and an acceptable document that confirms the successful completion of 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training must be source-verified.

How to submit a source verification request

For candidates who have successfully completed 12 months of postgraduate clinical medical training outside Canada or the United States postgraduate clinical osteopathic training, the proof-of-training document must:

  • State the program discipline(s)
  • Include the start and end dates of the completed training
  • Be issued by the affiliated university or hospital on official letterhead (the full address and contact information of the issuing institution must appear on the document[s] or be provided on a separate document)
  • Be signed and dated by the dean or the director responsible for the training program

The document will be reviewed after you submit your request for the LMCC to determine whether eligibility requirements have been met.


  • Clerkships, clinical fellowships, memberships, and research or work positions do not qualify as postgraduate clinical medical training.
  • Documents are subject to review and approval on an individual basis.
  • The MCC reserves the right to request additional documentation.

A copy of your specialty certificate from one of the following is acceptable as proof of postgraduate training:

  • The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • The College of Family Physicians of Canada
  • A member board of the American Board of Medical Specialities
  • Certification obtained by a medical specialty board or college outside Canada or the United States must be accompanied by
    • An official letter that states the start and end dates of completed clinical medical training and program discipline/rotations
    • A source verification may be required for this document


  • Documents are subject to review and approval on an individual basis.
  • The MCC reserves the right to request additional documentation.
  • Clerkships, clinical fellowships, memberships, and research or work positions do not qualify as postgraduate clinical medical training.

Clinical medical training, such as a compulsory rotating internship that is completed before the final medical degree diploma is awarded, may qualify for eligibility for the award of the LMCC.

All candidates whose only internship or residency training falls into this category, must submit both:

  • The Pre-diploma training attestation form (to confirm equivalency to postgraduate clinical medical training in Canada)
  • A copy of their full medical school transcript in the original language accompanied by an original translation if the document is in a language other than English or French
    • Please note that full medical school transcripts from Morocco must include the 6th and 7th years


  • India and Egypt:
    • The internship certificate is acceptable as proof of medical training.
    • The medical school transcript and the prediploma training attestation form are not required.
  • Iran:
    • The full medical transcript is acceptable without the prediploma training attestation form.


  • Documents are subject to review and approval on an individual basis.
  • The MCC reserves the right to request additional documentation.
  • Clerkships, clinical fellowships, memberships, and research or work positions do not qualify as clinical medical training.

How do I apply to the LMCC

  1. Log in to your physiciansapply.ca account.
  2. Click on Other Service Requests.
  3. Select Apply for LMCC.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions and enter the required information.
  5. Pay the LMCC application fee as well as any other outstanding fees to the MCC.
  6. Before being awarded the LMCC, candidates will be required to have paid all outstanding fees to the MCC.

How long until I receive my LMCC

Timing will depend on whether your postgraduate training information needs to be reviewed. Source-verified credentials must be thoroughly reviewed to confirm that you have met the postgraduate training and other eligibility requirements for the LMCC.

  1. If review of your postgraduate training information has already been completed and is not required, the LMCC will be awarded immediately.
  2. If review of your postgraduate training information is required, allow 3 to 4 weeks for the confirmation of your eligibility. You will receive a communication in your account once the review has been completed.

After your application is approved, allow 6 to 8 weeks for the hard copy of your LMCC documentation to be mailed by the MCC.

How to access your LMCC number

In addition to your LMCC documentation, which will be sent by mail or courier to you, you will also be able to access your LMCC number in your physiciansapply.ca account.

How to view your LMCC number:

  1. Click on Profile.
  2. Click on Identifiers and addresses.
  3. The LMCC number and registration date will be displayed in the right panel.

There is no electronic copy of your LMCC and it will not appear under Documents in your physiciansapply.ca account.

How to share LMCC details with MRAs

Once your LMCC has been issued, your name will appear in the Canadian Medical Register, which all MRAs will have access to.

In addition, if you are already sharing documents with an MRA, such as your MCCQE Part I Statement of Results or medical credentials, that MRA will also be able to see your LMCC number.


Any person who has been refused registration in the Canadian Medical Register may appeal such refusal to the MCC’s Appeals Committee, except if the refusal to grant registration is due to a failure to pay the LMCC application fee or any outstanding fees payable to the MCC, in which case the decision to refuse registration is final and not subject to appeal. The Executive Director and CEO may remove or correct any entry in the Canadian Medical Register upon the grounds of irregular behaviour, professional misconduct, fraud, conviction for an indictable criminal offence, failure to pay any outstanding fees payable to the MCC, or a mistake. Any person whose name has been removed from the Canadian Medical Register may appeal to the Appeals Committee for restoration of the name of the person to the register.

On receipt of any appeal from a person who has been refused registration in the Canadian Medical Register or whose name has been removed from the register on the grounds of irregular behaviour, professional misconduct, fraud, or a mistake, the office of the Executive Director and CEO shall submit the appeal to the Appeals Committee, with any supporting evidence or information in connection therewith.

LMCC eligibility exceptions

If a medical graduate meets all the criteria listed above but is subject to a period of prohibition from MCC assessments, the Executive Director and CEO may award that individual the LMCC only after the prohibition period has expired.

Any person who has previously been included in the Canadian Medical Register, and whose name has been removed, may apply to the Executive Director and CEO for restoration of their name to the register. A person who is unsatisfied with the decision of the Executive Director and CEO in this regard may appeal the decision to the Appeals Committee.