Resources | Medical Council of Canada - Part 10

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Resources to help you prepare for your upcoming MCC exam or to practise medicine in Canada
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The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) has compiled a list of reference books and online reference materials that may be helpful in preparing for your upcoming MCC Qualifying Examination Part I, National Assessment Collaboration (NAC) Examination, Therapeutics Decision-Making Examination or Practice-Ready Assessment program. These resources may be used by MCC test committees to validate examination questions.

The MCC does not require candidates to use or purchase any particular resource but has put together this database of materials to help aid candidates in their studies.

Choosing reference books for the NAC Examination

The MCC does not endorse any specific reference books on Objective Structured Clinical Examination stations. References that may be helpful should cover key principles of patient-physician communication, address common ethical and legal issues, as well as be based on a focused approach to presenting problems. Keep in mind that some references may be aimed at preparing for undergraduate assessments or entry into a specific training program and therefore may use examples of cases or scoring instruments that are not representative of those used in the NAC Examination.

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Canadian Medical Protective Association (2006, updated 2023).

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination,
Consent & confidentiality

Medical Council of Canada

Practice-Ready Assessment, TDM Examination,
Ethics & professionalism, Virtual care & practice

Collège des médecins du Québec.

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination,
Communication & interprofessional practice, Ethics & professionalism

Canadian Medical Association Journal. (2023).

TDM Examination,
Clinical medicine

Canadian Medical Association. (2018).

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination,
Ethics & professionalism

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2020).

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination, TDM Examination,
Preventative medicine

Public Health Agency of Canada. (2020).

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination,
Preventative medicine

Alberta Health Services. (2023, October).

TDM Examination,
Clinical medicine

Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide (9th ed.)

Tintinalli, J. E., Ma, O. J., Yealy, D., Meckler, G. D., Stapczynski, J. S., Cline, D. M., & Thomas, S. H. (2019). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

MCCQE Part I, NAC Examination,
Clinical medicine