TDM Examination | Medical Council of Canada

TDM Examination

Assessing candidates at the level required of a family physician practising independently and safely in Canada for use by NAC PRA programs in their selection of candidates.

What is the TDM Examination?

The Therapeutics Decision-Making (TDM) Examination aims to assess the competence of candidates at the level required of a family physician practising independently and safely in Canada. The content is developed by the Medical Council of Canada (MCC), and the examination is administered by the MCC on behalf of the Practice-Ready Assessment (PRA) programs for use in the selection of candidates into PRA programs.

How is the TDM Examination delivered?

The TDM Examination is a 3.5-hour appointment, computer-based exam that is delivered in Canada and worldwide multiple times a year. Candidates have the option to take their exam at any available Prometric test centre or through remote proctoring. This exam is offered in English and French.

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The examination comprises 40 cases with approximately 100 short answer write-in questions. Candidates are allowed up to 3 hours to complete the examination.

What does the TDM Examination test

The term therapeutics is defined as the application of knowledge in the pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of medical conditions. It consists of patient-based scenarios representing common or important clinical presentations and problems that family physicians practising in Canada should be able to competently manage in the following dimensions of medical care: health promotion and illness prevention, acute illness, chronic illness, and safety and adverse effects.

The exam is based on a blueprint that assesses candidate performance across two broad categories: dimensions of care and therapeutic interventions. The blueprint specifications outline the specific content weighting assigned to each of the four domains under the dimensions of care and to each type of therapeutic intervention on the exam.

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