To offer high-quality study materials for the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE) Part I to candidates, all preparatory products go through the same rigorous process as the MCCQE Part I content. Questions and answers are created by MCC subject matter experts before being refined and approved by physician test committees. Content categories and weightings are also based on the MCCQE Part I Blueprint.
Each preparatory product offers:
The preparatory examinations closely replicate the experience of the MCCQE Part I, and can be used to develop familiarity with the exam structure and content areas.
The Preparatory Examination (PE) is the same length as the MCCQE Part I while the Preparatory Exam-Lite (PE-Lite) is half the length with a set of entirely new questions.
Read Five considerations when using the Preparatory Examination to study for the MCCQE Part I for tips and best practices to make the most of your PE.
Free resources that can help you prepare for the MCCQE Part I and other MCC examinations
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Ottawa, ON Canada, K1G 5L5
T : 1-613-521-6012
F : 1-613-248-5234
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