The following table describes functionalities that will help you navigate through the exam.
Click Next to move to the next question or page
Click Back to move to the previous question or page
Click the flag icon to flag the question
A plain rectangular button indicates you have not yet completed this question; click the button to go to that question
A rectangular button with a flag icon means you have flagged this question because you want to return to it
An arrow-shaped button indicates you are currently on this question
A dark button indicates you have completed this question
To view all of the content on the page, use the scroll bar on the window or the scroll wheel on the mouse
Using the grid icon in the bottom-left corner of the exam screen, you may review the status of all questions in a current exam section. To navigate directly to a question, select the corresponding numbered icon. You may also filter your view by unattempted, attempted, and flagged questions.
You can keep the Section Review window open and visible by clicking the padlock icon. The Section Review window can be closed by unclicking the padlock icon and clicking the X icon.
The following table describes functionalities that will help you interact with items.
The time remaining and the progress bar are both displayed at the top of the screen.
Each exam section is allocated a specific amount of time, including the tutorial and survey sections. There is also an overall amount of time provided for your full exam appointment. Clicking the clock icon will display the time remaining; it will alternate between the time left for the current section and the time left for the overall exam appointment.
The most important time display is the Section Time Remaining.
An alert box will pop up to signal when 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes remain in the current section.
The progress bar tracks answered questions throughout the entire exam. It does not reset after each section. If all the questions are answered, your progress should near 50% when finishing the first MCQ section and 100% after finishing the second MCQ section.
After reviewing and finishing all questions within a section, navigate to the next section by clicking Next on the final question of the section or Finish Section in the top-right corner of the screen.
A pop-up window will appear confirming you want to finish the section. Select “Yes I would like to finish this section” to submit your answers and continue to the next section.
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