Document translation | Medical Council of Canada

Document translation

How to have your documents or credentials translated before submitting them to the MCC.

Translation providers

Documents stored in your account must be in English or French. If you have medical credentials, a passport, or other documents that are in a language other than English or French, they must be translated by one of the translation service providers listed below.

You must work directly with one of these providers to have your document(s) translated, including for any questions you have throughout the process, as well as for timelines, quality, pricing and payment. These providers are committed to delivering translations that meet the Medical Council of Canada’s (MCC’s) requirements.

Get started by visiting their website, reviewing the services they offer, and requesting a quote. Some providers may not be able to accommodate all language combinations. Pricing and delivery time can vary from one provider to another. Choose the provider that best suits your needs.

The MCC is not responsible for any costs associated with having your documents translated or retranslated, and you will need to pay your selected provider directly. The MCC is not responsible for any act, omissions, delays, or errors of your selected translation service provider.

Translation of English and French documents or credentials

The translation providers can also be used to have your English documents translated to French, or your French documents translated to English. While this is not a requirement of the MCC repository, you may need to have your French or English documents translated for other organizations.

How to have your document translated

  1. Refer to the details in the appropriate sections below based on the type of document (medical credential, passport or identity document) you need translated.
  2. Check your translation provider’s website to see if they have any specific requirements for file submission and ensure your document meets those requirements.
  3. Submit a copy of your original-language document(s) to one of the translation service providers by following their process.
  4. When you receive your translation from your provider, review it carefully to ensure there are no errors or issues. Contact the translation provider directly to resolve any issues before submitting your translation to the MCC.

How to submit your translated document

  1. Prepare both your original document and the translation for submission by following the guidelines on preparing your documents.
  2. Include the following files for your source verification request:
    1. A copy of the original-language document you sent to the translation provider
    2. The translation file exactly as provided to you. This file will include both the translation and the original-language document with the translator’s information (there may be additional pages or information). Do not modify the file by adding or removing pages.
  3. Review the instructions on how to submit your source verification request process for details on the next steps.

Note: The MCC is not responsible for any costs associated with translations. If the translation contains errors, you may need to have the document translated again at your expense. The MCC does not provide refunds for translations of documents that do not meet the MCC translation requirements and are not accepted by the MCC. The MCC does not pre-review documents to determine if they are acceptable.

Considerations when having medical credentials and other documents translated

Medical credential translation

Review the list of acceptable medical credentials, and ensure your medical credential is acceptable for source verification.
Verify that your credential is complete, accurate, and error-free. All the required information (e.g., dates, grades or marks, signatures) must be included on the credential and must be correct.

Determine if the back page (overleaf) of the document must be translated. For most credentials, the back page is not required. However, the back page must be translated if it includes vital information or official stamps/seals (i.e., graduation date, award of diploma date, examination marks or a signature of the Dean/Registrar/Chancellor) that is not included on the front page.

Note: The MCC does not require apostilles; therefore, if it is on a page of its own with no other relevant information, you do not need to have your apostille translated.

If a medical school or university of graduation has provided a copy of your credential in English or French, but it is not a literal, word-for-word translation of the original-language document, you will need to have the original-language document translated.

Passport translation

If your passport is written in more than one language, one of which is English or French, you do not need to have it translated.

The MCC will inform you if a translation of your passport is required. If a translation of the certified copy of a passport is requested by the MCC, you must have the copy of your passport certified before getting it translated. Only the page(s) that show your name, photograph, signature, date of birth and passport expiry date would need to be certified and translated. In other words, we do not need copies of any blank pages or pages with visas.

Identity document translation

The MCC will inform you if an additional identity document is required (e.g., due to a legal name change or a name difference). If this identity document is in a language other than English or French, you will need to provide a translation of the document that meets the MCC’s requirements.