Get involved | Medical Council of Canada

Get involved

Make a difference in the Canadian medical landscape.
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Ensuring that physicians have the competencies to support safe, accessible care

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) has a legislated national mandate to assure that all physicians practising in Canada, wherever they are located and whatever their medical specialty, meet the same demanding and consistent quality standards of patient care. Get involved with the MCC and make a meaningful contribution to medical education and assessment in Canada.

Decorative image of a young mother holding a baby who is being examined by a physician

Contribute to the creation of high-quality content used to assess candidates by joining one of our test committees.

Support the assessment of candidates as a physician examiner of simulated clinical scenarios during the NAC Examination.

Contribute to the assessment of candidates by marking written answers for the TDM Examination.

Supervise and work with international medical graduates on their pathway to licensure in Canada.