Research Grants | Medical Council of Canada - Part 2

Research in Clinical Assessment grant

To support medical assessment research, the MCC offers research grants to interested faculty members, staff members or graduate students of Canadian medical faculties.
About us Awards and research grants Research in Clinical Assessment grant

About the grant

The Research in Clinical Assessment grant is intended to support and provide a principal investigator with the financial resources required to further complete their research while promoting the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) vision of ensuring that physicians have the competencies to support safe, accessible health care in Canada. It is a single-year, curiosity-driven grant provided up to a value of $37,500.

Competition process

The purpose and priorities for each year are also reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Grant applications are peer-reviewed, and the adjudication committee makes the final decision based upon the reviews and the declared funding priorities of the competition for that year.

Application for the grant usually opens in the fall and closes in the winter. The deadline for the 2025 grant competition was February 1, 2025.

2024-2025 recipients of the
Research in Clinical Assessment grant

Lynfa Stroud, MD, MEd, FRCPC & Shiphra Ginsburg, MDCM, MEd, PhD, FRCPC

Research project:

Shiphra Ginsburg, MDCM, MEd, PhD, FRCPC & Lynfa Stroud, MD, MEd, FRCPC

Research project:

Past recipients



Research project


Add experience to your curriculum vitae (CV) while supporting new and exciting research in the field of clinical assessment by volunteering to review grant applications for the MCC Research in Clinical Assessment grant. If you are interested in serving as an expert external reviewer for this year’s competition, please contact us at [email protected], outline your areas of expertise, and include a copy of your CV. We make an effort to match grant applications to the reviewers’ area(s) of expertise.

Please note, co-applicants and faculty supervisors from the current year’s competition are not eligible to serve as an external reviewer.