2021-2022 – Susan Humphrey-Murto | Medical Council of Canada
Research in Clinical Assessment grant
To support medical assessment research, the MCC offers research grants to interested faculty members, staff members or graduate students of Canadian medical faculties.

2021-2022 - Susan Humphrey-Murto

Does learner handover bias ratings, entrustment decisions and feedback over time?


Susan Humphrey-Murto, MD


Julie D’Aoust
Tammy Shaw
Samantha Halman
Vijay Daniels
Lynfa Stroud
Timothy J. Wood


Learner handover (also called educational handover or forward feeding) has taken on increased importance in the context of competency-based medical education (CBME).  Assessment in CBME should be continuous, involve multiple low-stakes assessments in the work-place and be part of a larger program of assessment.  Our current system of training however is fragmented, organized in rotations where trainees move from one rotation to another.  Faculty supervisors thus waste time rediscovering strengths and learning needs already determined by previous assessors.  Sharing information about the learner across rotations may therefore enable more effective and efficient tailoring of the educational experience as the trainee moves towards competence. Learner handover, therefore, is highly relevant to the Medical Council of Canada theme “Assessment along the continuum”.