2019-2020 – Sylvain Boet | Medical Council of Canada
Research in Clinical Assessment grant
To support medical assessment research, the MCC offers research grants to interested faculty members, staff members or graduate students of Canadian medical faculties.

2019-2020 - Sylvain Boet

Enhancing surgical care and outcomes through education and knowledge translation (Phase 2): Measurement properties of teamwork assessment tools (NOTECHS and TEAM) using clinical OR Black Box® data


Sylvain Boet, MD, PhD


J. Brehaut
N. Etherington
T. Grantcharov
J. Jung
M. McConnell
S. Singh
G. Posner


Interprofessional collaboration is considered an essential educational and practice standard for safe, high quality care by the CanMEDS Physician Competency Framework. These standards are particularly important in the operating room (OR), where a large proportion of preventable patient harm originates from teamwork errors. Yet, our current ability to assess and learn from clinical teamwork performance has remained limited. Explorations of teamwork to inform practice interventions are limited by inadequate data on clinical performance and the lack of a standardized assessment tool. The OR Black Box® is an innovative technology similar to aviation that records audio, video and physiological data from the OR. Data collected by the OR Black Box®  are then evaluated by analysts, which in turn allows the healthcare community to learn from experience and improve patient care. To address these existing challenges, we aim to compare individual-level and team-level assessment tools using the innovative OR Black Box®.