These practical guidebooks outline test committee member roles, give a broad overview of the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) examinations, and provide information and resources to test committee members when developing content.
MCC test committees also use the following resources on examination objectives, item development, competency frameworks, and additional reference material to assist in the creation and validation of examination content.
The MCC Objectives identify attributes expected of a medical graduate entering supervised independent practice in Canada. The objectives are intended for medical experts who create examination questions, candidates preparing for the MCC examinations, educators, and medical assessment organizations throughout the world. The guidelines for the development of the MCC Objectives provide information on objective and item development.
Patient safety, defined as the reduction and mitigation of unsafe acts within the health care system, as well as through the use of best practices shown to lead to optimal patient outcomes, is a critical aspect of quality health care.
The Safety Competencies Framework, created by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute (CPSI), provide a framework of six core domains of abilities that are shared by all health care professionals. By contributing to the patient safety education of health care professionals, the safety competencies can contribute to safer patient care.
For the population health objectives, two additional resources are referenced by test committees in the development of content.
The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC):
By readying the MCC Qualifying Examination to reflect the approved blueprint, test committees will play a critical role in ensuring that the assessment of medical graduates practicing in Canada continues to reflect medical practice and the health care needs of society today. We have prepared resources that will assist the MCC’s test committees to understand and carry out their roles within the framework of the latest blueprint.
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